How To Take Action For Mental Health and Achieve Health for All
<p></p> <p>World Health Day is celebrated every year on April 7th to raise awareness about promoting healthy living globally.</p> <p>This year, the theme for World Health Day is “Health for All” in an effort to reduce disparities in health outcomes based on factors such as income, geography, and social status.</p> <p>To mark this day, we interviewed Dr. Zeeshan Ahmad, a Consultant Psychiatrist and Medical Director at Sage Clinics in Dubai. During our conversation, we asked Dr. Ahmad for his insights on achieving #HealthforAll and his top tips for maintaining a healthy work-life balance and prioritizing personal health as a healthcare professional.</p> <h2>Please introduce yourself to our readers.</h2> <p>I am Dr. Zeeshan Ahmad. I&#8217;m a Consultant Psychiatrist working at Sage Clinics, Downtown Dubai. I’m a General Adult Psychiatrist, which means I look after people who suffer from various mental health issues, but I do have a particular interest in ADHD, autism, and addiction-related mental health issues.</p> <p>I was born and raised in Pakistan, and did my primary medical qualifications in Lahore. When I moved to England in 2012, I started my training in general psychiatry. I became a consultant psychiatrist in 2018 and worked in NHS and North East London Foundation Trust for over four years. Recently, I moved to the United Arab Emirates to be a part of Sage Clinics, and it has been an absolute pleasure working here.</p> <h2>What prompted you to choose this career?</h2> <p>From my time in medical school, I was fascinated by the connection of mind and brain. Looking at the brain as an organ in the human body versus the mind as a subjective experience of the brain’s activity always intrigued me. I loved learning about how our brain activity changes or influences our mental state and vice versa.</p> <p>While growing up, I also saw my grandmother being affected by dementia. She was in her late 60s. I’ve closely seen the impact of mental health-related issues on families. And I think this really pushed me into developing a very deep fascination for mental health and psychiatry, and that&#8217;s why I chose this career.</p> <h2>Would you recommend a career in healthcare?</h2> <p>Absolutely! I would definitely recommend a career in healthcare. Recently, a lot of people have been asking me the same question. People feel that the onset of AI and Artificial Intelligence software like Chat GPT will take over the role of a medical specialist.</p> <p>But I firmly believe that there is no better career than one in healthcare. It is a very fulfilling career. One of the main reasons I chose this career is to make a difference in other people’s lives. It brings meaning to my life, giving me job security with a competitive salary, which is essential to survive.</p> <h2>What key message would you like to send our viewers for World Health Day?</h2> <p>One key message I would like to give on World Health Day is to start giving importance to mental health and wellbeing.<br>All of us should work together to reduce the stigma attached to mental health. Every one of us needs to advocate for better and affordable mental healthcare. The only way we can reduce mental issues is by talking and raising awareness about them. So, I think we need to ensure that each of us talks about it. Honest and open conversations about mental health issues are very important.</p> <h2>The Theme for World Health Day 2023 is &#8216;Health for All&#8217;. What measures are you or your organization taking to raise awareness and serve people of the world to build a healthier future?</h2> <p>Achieving #HealthforAll requires a very multi-directional and multidisciplinary approach. At Sage Clinics, we have had quite a few coffee mornings and workshops around common mental health issues such as trauma, depression, and anxiety.</p> <p>I’ve been using our clinic’s platform to talk about important topics such as men’s mental health, discussing stereotypes associated with the male gender, and highlighting the impact of these issues. Even in this day and age, suicide is three times more common in men than women. So, I strongly believe in doing everything within my power to raise awareness for mental health issues.</p> <h2>How do you prioritize your mental health as a healthcare worker?</h2> <p>Happiness is a very subjective feeling. You cannot describe it in words. We must all find ways to feel happy because that is the best way to take care of your mind.</p> <p>For me, spending time with my loved ones gives me a lot of happiness. I also get immense satisfaction by doing my job properly, including taking care of my patients, supporting them, and watching them improve.</p> <h2>How did you first hear about Would you recommend it and why?</h2> <p>After my degrees were verified by DataFlow and my license was sorted, I became a member. It has helped me transfer my reports from the DataFlow Group, and I’ve used it occasionally to browse through jobs too. It’s been a very smooth process for me.</p> <h3>Ready to kickstart your international healthcare career like Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed?</h3> <p>Create your FREE Digital CV today with and boost your chances of getting noticed by prospective international employers and recruiters.</p> <div class="is-layout-flex wp-block-buttons"> <div class="wp-block-button is-style-fill"><a class="wp-block-button__link has-background wp-element-button" href="" style="border-radius:100px;background-color:#00497a" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Create my Digital CV</a></div> </div>